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The Asylum 13 Super Goliath is a remarkable creation from the Asylum brand, known for producing bold and innovative cigars. This massive cigar is designed to offer an intense and unforgettable smoking experience, appealing to those who enjoy a substantial and full-bodied profile. Measuring an impressive 8 inches in length with an 80 ring gauge, the Super Goliath stands out for its sheer size and robust construction.
The cigar features a dark, oily Nicaraguan wrapper, complemented by a Nicaraguan binder and filler, making it a Nicaraguan puro. The craftsmanship ensures a consistent burn and smooth draw, which is quite an achievement given its considerable girth. Smokers can expect a rich and complex flavor profile with primary notes of earth, pepper, and espresso, along with subtle hints of cocoa and leather that add depth to the experience.
The Super Goliath is part of the Asylum 13 line, known for pushing the boundaries in terms of size and strength. It is particularly suited for seasoned smokers looking for a long, satisfying smoke with a powerful flavor punch. Presented in boxes that typically hold 30 cigars, the Super Goliath makes a bold statement both in appearance and in smoking experience. Enjoying this cigar is an adventure in itself, promising a full-bodied and memorable session for those who appreciate the art of cigar smoking at its most intense.
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