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Another excellent cigar from Davidoff. Part of the esteemed Winston Churchill lineup, named in honor of the iconic British Prime Minister who enjoyed cigars as a part of his leisurely pursuits. The Late Hour series within the Winston Churchill lineup is known for its unique twist. The tobacco used in this cigar's blend is aged in Scotch whisky casks, infusing it with rich, smoky, and complex flavors. It's a series that celebrates the finest moments of a distinguished life
The cigar has a silky, dark Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that adds an air of sophistication. The filler and binder tobaccos hail from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, creating a blend that's destined for greatness. The cigar is beautifully rolled, ensuring a smooth and even burn throughout the smoke. The draw is perfect, offering a glimpse of the delights to come. As you roll the cigar under your nose, you'll notice the rich, complex aromas. Hints of leather, dark chocolate, and a subtle smokiness set the stage for a memorable cigar experience.
The complexity of the cigar truly shines. The spiciness mellows, and you'll start to notice a more nuanced profile. Hints of wood, roasted coffee, and a touch of sweetness create a beautifully balanced and enjoyable experience. You'll savor deep, rich notes of dark chocolate and the lingering smokiness from the Scotch whisky casks. It's a luxurious conclusion to an exquisite cigar journey, leaving you with a memorable finish.
To enhance your experience with the Davidoff Winston Churchill - The Late Hour - Robusto, consider pairing it with a fine Scotch whisky or a robust coffee. The cigar's complex, smoky flavors complement these beverages wonderfully, creating a truly indulgent combination.
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